Thursday, December 4, 2008

You helped make the mess!

Today we were at the eye doctor for Dylan and Brayden and I were playing with some blocks while we waited for the doctor to come in. After the appointment was finished I asked Brayden to pick up the blocks and he says, "Could you help me mom, because you helped make the mess!" Oh, this child keeps me on my toes! After we came home and put Dylan down for his nap I took Brayden outside sledding. The last picture is the hot chocolate afterwards. It was so cold Brayden's cheeks looked like they would fall off, but he sure had fun.

1 comment:

Chris 'n Leah said...

Oh, we need a big tub like that to sled with! It looks like he had lots of fun.

Children have a way of ALWAYS keeping us on our toes! It is a strange feeling when we start to hear them sound a lot like us!