Monday, December 1, 2008

Dylan Edward Yates


This is our cute little guy, Dyan Edward Yates. He joined our family March 24th, 2008. I can hardly believe he is 8 months old. He has been such a fun person with the tenderest spirit to
have in our home. He currently has 4 teeth (2 on top and bottom) which all came in with in the last month. Also he is an expert crawler. He started attempting around 7 months and after a few weeks he's got it down. He pulls himself up on everything and I fear that he will be an early walker. Last week I was giving the children a bath but hadn't put Dylan in the tub quite yet. He crawled over to the tub and pulled himself up to the edge trying to get his leg over the side. I couldn't believe it, but am not suprised. He loves the bath and sits and splashes and squeels while getting it all over Brayden's face. A couple days ago I purposely set him down in the living room while I turned on the bath water, and sure enough he beelined it to the tub babbling the entire way. We are sure grateful for the miracles that have brought both our children into our home!

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